Monday, February 11, 2013

Loose Loose Situation

What do think I should do. I have this friend who has been cheating on her boyfriend who is also my friend we all grew up together. Should I tell him she is cheating? I don’t want to loose their friendship. But its not right & I have told her how I felt about the whole thing. But she just continues cheating. & not always with the same guy.

By Loose Loose Either Way (LLEW)

PS: I have always had a crush on him, and don’t want him thinking I am making it up.

Dear LLEW,
This is a tough situation, my suggestion is that you follow your heart. If you feel you need to say something, do it. But think about it like this hypothetical situation...

You walk in on two people fighting, lets say they are siblings... you jump in to try to stop the fight. In the mean time they both turn on you for meddeling in "family" affairs. Then after they deal w/ your meddeling, they go back to their fight against one another.

These things really happen, & when it does it is truely a loose loose situation. You may open the eyes of the victim but on the other hand you cross the line of friendship & violate the trust of the other.  It comes down to what's more important keeping a horrible secret and violating your own code of ethics or being true to yourself and standing up for what you believe is right.

If you have made your opinion known to the chaeting friend, then she already knows it is bothering you. Maybe you should talk to her again. Tell her how you feel and be a little less suttle. Tell her that if this continues that you will stand up for your moral beliefs and talk to her spouse. Maybe even suggest her telling him in front of you or visa versa.

As for your "crush". I don't know that your "crush" matters as long as your actions are based on good intentions. Basically...As long as you are doing everything w/ the best intentions for everyone involved... you aren't crossing a boundry line. Just don't go jumping into a relationship w/ the guy... ok?

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